A propos Sanur Medical Clinic

Sanur Medical is located in South Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia and offers a range of general medical and dental services.

Sanur Medical Clinic is located in South Denpasar on the island of Bali, Indonesia and provides routine medical care and dental services to local and international patients.

The clinic is staffed by general practitioner medical professionals who have the expertise to assess and treat routine healthcare conditions, problems, injuries and illnesses, as well to provide vaccinations, treatments such as intravenous vitamins and general medical check-ups.

Services also include on-call and emergency services where an immediate response is required from a doctor and medical team who will go directly to where they are needed in an ambulance.

Sanur Medical also provides general dentistry treatments, including scaling, basic oral healthcare, fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges, veneers, teeth whitening, tooth extraction and root canal treatments.

The clinic is well-equipped with an emergency room, on-site laboratory and pharmacy, x-ray, ECG equipment to monitor heart conditions, audiometry (hearing tests) and spirometry (lung tests).

Additional services include prenatal yoga to help ease stress, provide relief from muscular tension and increase strength and basic life support/first aid training.

Appointments may be booked through Dental Departures’ Customer Care Team, or contact them to find out more. Or you can schedule your appointment online at any time of the day or night, at no charge to you.

Soins Dentaires et Tarfis

1. Couronnes\Facette
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Couronne en porcelaine\Couronne en céramique
USD 289 - USD 325 USD 1,050
4 - 6 days
Couronne en Zirconium
USD 362 - USD 422 USD 1,600
4 - 6 days
Couronne\facette temporaire
USD 22 - USD 36 USD 150
Facette dentaire en composite
USD 108 - USD 289 USD 250
4 - 6 days
Facette dentaire en Zirconium
USD 253 - USD 325 USD 1,486
4 - 6 days
Placage de Zircone
USD 325 - USD 398 USD 1,400
4 - 6 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne Métallique (alliage précieux)
USD 181 - USD 289 USD 1,300
4 - 6 days
2. Dentier
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Dentier complet, dents en acrylique
USD 217 - USD 289 USD 1,800
7 - 21 days
Dentier partiel, armature en acrylique
USD 108 - USD 217 USD 1,200
5 - 7 days
Dentier partiel, armature en métal
USD 145 - USD 253 USD 1,300
5 - 7 days
Dentier partiel, armature flexible
USD 145 - USD 253 USD 1,400
5 - 7 days
Prothèse Complète en Métal (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 289 - USD 362
7 - 21 days
Prothèse complète, Dents en Porcelaine (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 2,712 USD 2,200
1 day
Prothèse complète, Immédiate ou Cicatrisante (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 1,446 USD 1,500
7 - 21 days
3. Traitement du canal radiculaire
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Canal radiculaire (molaire)
USD 108 - USD 181 USD 1,350
3 - 5 days
USD 108 - USD 181 USD 400
3 - 5 days
Traitement du canal radiculaire (y compris post / noyau et couronne standard)
USD 307 USD 10,440
3 - 5 days
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Blanchiment des Dents
USD 181 - USD 211
1 day
Blanchiment des Dents au Laser
USD 181 - USD 217 USD 496
1 day
Extraction (chirurgicale ou impactée)
USD 145 - USD 362 USD 563
1 day
Extraction (simple)
USD 22 - USD 72 USD 175
1 day
USD 8 - USD 217 USD 900
1 day
Nettoyage en profondeur, Détartrage & surfaçage radiculaire
USD 25 - USD 51 USD 200
1 day
5. Autres procédures
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Application de fluorure
USD 29 - USD 58
Extraction (dent primaire)
USD 14 - USD 22
1 day
USD 108
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique dur)
USD 145 - USD 253 USD 750
1 - 2 days
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique souple)
USD 145 - USD 253 USD 600
1 - 2 days
USD 58 - USD 108
Obturation composite en résine (dent primaire)
USD 14 - USD 29
1 day
Pulpotomie / Pulpectomie
USD 108 - USD 181
1 day
USD 29 - USD 58
6. Orthodontie
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
USD 217 - USD 362
Bretelles Conventionnelles
USD 362 - USD 434
Bretelles Métalliques
USD 506 - USD 651
Bretelles Transparentes
USD 723 - USD 1,085
USD 145 - USD 217
Thérapie TMJ
USD 72 - USD 145
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