A propos Edelweiss Dental House

Edelweiss Dental House, a multidisciplinary practice in Bangkok, provides personalized, high-quality dental treatment to patients from across the world. Their large team of experts work together to deliver impressive results, finding solutions for even the most complex smile restoration cases.

The clue to how this highly-rated facility is run is in its name: Edelweiss ‘Dental House,’ rather than 'Clinic'. The emphasis is placed on patient relaxation, comfort and hospitality as well as cleanliness and the latest hygiene protocols. The Edelweiss team adopts a “unique approach of treating patients like family members with compassion and attention to detail.”

Working with Chulalongkorn-educated dental surgeons, along with current professors at one of Thailand's top universities, patients are assured of attentive care, with specialists in numerous fields working together to deliver safe, accurate and impressive treatment outcomes.

In addition to experienced, well-trained professionals, Edelweiss Dental House also utilizes high-quality dental technology and instrumentation from Japan and Europe, such as a 3D CT scanning machine, a Piezo® ultrasonic cleaner, and a digital oral scanner, all of which have been handpicked to maximize patient satisfaction and success rates, particularly regarding the longevity of dental prosthetics, such as veneers, crowns, implants and dentures.

Before treatment starts, patients have the opportunity to discuss (in English) their diagnosis (following tests and evaluations), as well as their needs and budget with a dentist; this way, both patient and dentist can decide on the best course of action for each unique case.

Dental Team

Edelweiss Dental House works with more than 18 dental specialists, who specialize in different fields of dentistry such as implantology, prosthodontics, endodontics, and pedodontics.

Many of these experts are professors at Chulalongkorn University, one of Thailand’s most reputable universities, while others completed their rigorous training at this same institute. Thanks to this strong link, patients can expect to receive the most advanced, research-driven treatments in Thailand.

Led by experts such as Asst. Prof. Dr. Atikom Surintanasarn, an implantologist and Invisalign orthodontist with advanced training from prestigious institutions like Chulalongkorn University and the University of Bern, Switzerland, the team includes specialists across various fields. Notably, Asst. Prof. Dr. Vorapat Trachoo, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wannakorn Sriarj, a pedodontist, bring significant academic and clinical experience, having held key positions in educational and medical institutions.

Each member of the team holds impressive qualifications and has a strong background in both education and practice, often serving as lecturers and committee members in their respective specialties. All dentists are board-registered in Thailand and speak English and Thai, among other languages.

Treatments Available at Edelweiss Dental House

- Teeth whitening

- Crowns

- Veneers

- Root canal therapy

- Diagnostics

- Gum disease treatment

- Dentures

- Full-arch fixed prosthesis on 4/6 implants (“All-on-x”)

- General dentistry

- Orthodontics

- Single dental implants

- Implant-retained overdentures

- Oral and maxillofacial surgery

- Pediatric dentistry

- Geriatric dentistry


Edelweiss Dental House is located slightly north of Bangkok’s bustling city center, close to the world-famous Chatuchak Weekend Market and a short taxi ride from Sutthisan MRT Station,  connecting this neighborhood to the rest of the city.

Outside of the notorious evening rush hour, patients can reach either one of Bangkok’s international airports within one hour via toll-way.

How to Schedule Your Appointment

Schedule a date with a dentist at Edelweiss Dental House via our Customer Care Team, who can be reached via the toll-free number, email address or online chat function, 24 hours a day.

You can also take advantage of Dental Departures’ Best Price Guarantee by booking your appointment directly through our site–and look forward to savings of up to 70% in Bangkok! We are available 24/7 to assist you and there is never a charge to you for our services.

Soins Dentaires et Tarfis

1. Procédures implantaires
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Élévation sinusale
USD 148 - USD 739 USD 4,000
1 - 2 days
Greffe osseuse
USD 591 USD 2,000
1 - 2 days
Greffe osseuse (petite)
USD 887 USD 1,500
1 - 2 days
Implant en Titane (Avec pilier et couronne standard)
question icon

Additional Notes

Straumann, Biohorizons, and Neobiotech. brand

USD 1,124 - USD 2,306 USD 3,900
Prothèse Supportée par des Implants, amovible (avec 2 implants)
USD 2,809 - USD 5,174 USD 6,900
Prothèse Supportée par des Implants, amovible (avec 4 implants)
USD 5,056 - USD 9,787 USD 12,300
2. Couronnes\Facette
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Couronne en porcelaine avec armature en métal (alliage standard)
USD 384 USD 1,000
5 - 7 days
Couronne en porcelaine\Couronne en céramique
USD 532 USD 1,050
5 - 7 days
Couronne en Zirconium
USD 532 USD 1,600
7 - 14 days
Facette dentaire en composite
USD 118 USD 250
1 day
Facette dentaire en Zirconium
USD 473 USD 1,486
7 - 14 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne d'Or
USD 651 USD 1,600
5 - 7 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne Métallique (alliage précieux)
USD 562 USD 1,300
5 - 7 days
3. Dentier
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Dentier complet, dents en acrylique
USD 562 USD 1,800
14 days
Dentier partiel, armature en acrylique
USD 118 - USD 562 USD 1,200
5 - 14 days
Dentier partiel, armature en métal
USD 384 - USD 710 USD 1,300
5 - 14 days
Dentier partiel, armature flexible
USD 384 - USD 710 USD 1,400
5 - 14 days
Prothèse Complète en Métal (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 710
14 days
Prothèse complète, Immédiate ou Cicatrisante (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 562 USD 1,500
14 days
4. Traitement du canal radiculaire
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Canal radiculaire (dent antérieure)
USD 296 USD 800
3 - 5 days
Canal radiculaire (molaire)
USD 429 USD 1,350
3 - 5 days
Canal radiculaire (prémolaire)
USD 370 USD 1,150
3 - 5 days
USD 148 USD 400
1 day
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Blanchiment des Dents
USD 296
1 day
Blanchiment des Dents, kit à emporter
USD 163 USD 275
3 - 5 days
Extraction (dent de sagesse)
USD 133 - USD 207
1 day
Extraction (simple)
USD 35 - USD 59 USD 175
1 day
USD 384 - USD 651 USD 900
5 - 7 days
Nettoyage dentaire normal
USD 35 - USD 47 USD 127
1 day
Nettoyage en profondeur, Détartrage & surfaçage radiculaire
USD 65 - USD 74 USD 200
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 2)
USD 56 - USD 68 USD 150
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 3)
USD 83 - USD 95 USD 170
1 day
6. Diagnostic
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
USD 9 - USD 13 USD 180
1 day
Radio dentaire 3D
USD 103 USD 500
1 day
Radio dentaire panoramique
USD 30 USD 140
1 day
Radio dentaire simple
USD 7 USD 35
1 day
7. Autres procédures
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique dur)
USD 266 USD 750
5 - 7 days
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique souple)
USD 148 USD 600
5 - 7 days
8. Orthodontie
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
USD 89
5 - 7 days
USD 148 - USD 237
5 - 7 days
Étui Complet Invisalign®
USD 5,322 - USD 5,914
Invisalign (USA)
USD 2,927
Économisez 70% sur votre nouveau sourire