La Clínica Dental Khoe & Xinh está ubicada en la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam).
La Clínica Dental Khoe & Xinh está ubicada en la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) y ofrece una amplia gama de servicios odontológicos generales y especializados a precios asequibles para pacientes locales e internacionales.
Inaugurada en 2011, la Clínica Dental Khoe y Xinh (Health & Beautiful Dental Clinic) ofrece servicios de alta calidad para brindar una salud dental excepcional y una hermosa sonrisa para todos sus pacientes.
Hoy en día, aunque la salud es una preocupación primordial, no es la única cuestión ya que también buscamos lucir lo mejor posible. Nuestra sonrisa es parte de esto y saber que nos vemos bien puede ser un gran impulso para nuestra autoestima y confianza.
A pesar de que somos una empresa de reciente creación, hemos logrado un éxito fenomenal y estamos contentos de ser parte de las historias de nuestros pacientes. Ofrecemos:
- Odontólogos generales y especialistas experimentados y totalmente calificados que valoran los sentimientos de los pacientes por encima de cualquier otra cosa
- Establecimientos modernos con instalaciones de última generación
- Cumplimiento estricto de los protocolos de control de infecciones
Nuestros servicios incluyen servicios odontológicos generales, como chequeos y rellenos; servicios especializados como ortodoncia e implantes dentales y odontología cosmética, incluyendo blanqueamiento dental con láser.
Obtenga su mejor sonrisa y lo último en salud dental en la Clínica Dental Khoe y Xinh. Pida una cita con Dental Departures, o contacte a Atención al Cliente si tiene alguna pregunta.
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Corona sobre Implante Estándar (soporte incluido) | USD 176 - USD 450 USD 3,850 | 10 - 12 days |
Elevación del Seno | USD 149 - USD 336 USD 4,000 | 1 day |
Implante Dental de Titanio (soporte y corona estándar incluidos) | USD 755 - USD 1,502 USD 3,900 | |
Implante Dental Estándar de Titanio (solo implante) | USD 579 - USD 1,052 USD 2,200 | 1 day |
Injerto óseo (grande) | USD 254 USD 2,000 | 1 day |
Injerto óseo (pequeño) | USD 90 - USD 164 USD 1,500 | 1 day |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Carilla de Composite (adhesión directa)Additional NotesComposite veneers can usually be done in one visit, for extensive cases, multiple visits may be required. Inquire further for your case | USD 20 USD 250 | 1 day |
Carilla de PorcelanaAdditional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 7-14 days required for 6+ veneers. | USD 196 USD 1,486 | 3 - 5 days |
Carilla de ZirconioAdditional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 7-14 days required for 6+ veneers. | USD 196 USD 1,400 | 3 - 5 days |
Corona Completa de Porcelana / CerámicaAdditional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 7-10 days required for 6+ crowns, and 10-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 196 USD 1,050 | 3 - 5 days |
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación estándar)Additional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 7-10 days required for 6+ crowns, and 10-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 47 USD 1,000 | 3 - 5 days |
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación preciosa)Additional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 7-10 days required for 6+ crowns, and 10-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 98 USD 1,300 | 3 - 5 days |
Corona de ZirconioAdditional Notes5-7 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 7-14 days required for 6+ veneers. | USD 176 USD 1,600 | 3 - 5 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Acrílico (superior o inferior) | USD 426 - USD 454 USD 1,800 | 7 - 21 days |
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Porcelana (superior o inferior) | USD 454 USD 2,200 | 7 - 21 days |
Dentadura Completa, Inmediata o Temporal (superior o inferior) | USD 426 - USD 454 USD 1,500 | 7 - 21 days |
Dentadura Parcial, Marco Acrílico | USD 98 - USD 454 USD 1,200 | 5 - 7 days |
Dentadura Parcial, Marco de Metal | USD 98 - USD 454 USD 1,300 | 5 - 7 days |
Dentadura Parcial, Marco Flexible | USD 98 - USD 454 USD 1,400 | 5 - 7 days |
Dentadura Temporal Parcial o Flipper | USD 98 USD 450 | 1 - 3 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Endodoncia (cualquier diente)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 7 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 16 - USD 47 USD 1,188 | 1 - 3 days |
Endodoncia (diente anterior)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 7 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 16 - USD 47 USD 800 | 1 - 3 days |
Endodoncia (molar)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 7 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 16 - USD 47 USD 1,350 | 1 - 3 days |
Endodoncia (premolar)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 7 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 16 - USD 47 USD 1,150 | 1 - 3 days |
Poste | USD 12 - USD 20 USD 400 | 1 day |
Tratamiento de Endodoncia (incluye poste y corona estándard) | USD 74 - USD 164 USD 2,200 | 3 - 5 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Blanqueamiento Dental | USD 27 - USD 78 | 1 day |
Blanqueamiento Dental Láser | USD 78 USD 496 | 1 day |
Blanqueamiento Dental, kit de aplicación en casaAdditional NotesImpressions for whitening trays can be done in one day, and in most cases, the kit finished same-day. Inquire further for your case. | USD 27 USD 275 | 1 day |
Extracción (quirúrgica o complicada)Additional NotesComplicated or surgical extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Consultation is first required. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Follow up(s) for check-up of healing and/or removal of sutures may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 20 - USD 59 USD 563 | 1 day |
Extracción (Simple)Additional NotesSimple extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Inquire further for your case. | USD 8 - USD 20 USD 175 | 1 day |
Limpieza Dental RegularAdditional NotesRegular teeth cleaning can be completed in one appoinment. | USD 8 - USD 12 USD 127 | 1 day |
Limpieza profunda (por cuadrante)Additional NotesPeriodontal deep cleaning, scaling & root planing can usually be completed in one day. You may need to split this treatment into multiple visits based on the extent of your care and the availability of the periodontist. Inquire further for your case. | USD 14 - USD 27 USD 200 | 1 day |
Relleno de ResinaAdditional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 6 - USD 16 USD 202 | 1 day |
Relleno de Resina (2 superficies)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 6 - USD 16 USD 150 | 1 day |
Relleno de Resina (3 superficies)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 6 - USD 16 USD 170 | 1 day |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Examen Inicial / Consulta | USD | |
Radiografía simple (de mordida o periapical) | USD |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Anestesia Local | USD |