Acerca de Dentessence Dental Care and Implant Centre

Dentessence Dental Care es una clínica dental avanzada de especialidades múltiples ubicada en la región capital de la India.

Dentessence Dental Care es una clínica dental avanzada de especialidades múltiples ubicada en la región capital de la India. El centro es dirigido por el Dr. Gaurav Kumar Goel (CD, Prostodoncista) quien ha estudiado en algunas de las mejores escuelas del país como el Colegio Dental Hospital Nair, el Colegio Dental del Gobierno de Bombay en Indore. Nos especializamos en implantes dentales, transformación de sonrisa, laminados, carillas dentales, coronas y puentes creadas con CAD/CAM, y rehabilitaciones bucales completas. Tenemos una sección de especialidad en odontología para niños, la cual es dirigida por el Dr. Dhirja (CD, Odontología pediátrica). Creemos en mantener nuestros valores LIRST

L – Lealtad

I – Integridad

R – Respeto

S – Sinceridad 

T – Transparencia

La honestidad y la transparencia es nuestro fundamento. Proporcionamos lo que prometemos y no prometemos más de lo que podemos entregar. Además, utilizamos sólo los mejores materiales y equipamiento de clase mundial en nuestra clínica, tenemos alianzas con los mejores laboratorios del país así que podemos proporcionar resultados predecibles y duraderos en todos nuestros procedimientos. 

Estamos ubicados en el centro de la ciudad de Noida, donde hay muchos hoteles, fuentes de entretenimiento y centros comerciales en las cercanías. Estamos a sólo 45-50 minutos del Aeropuerto Internacional de Nueva Delhi y ayudamos a nuestros clientes a conseguir hospedaje, servicios de transporte y paseos turísticos. 


Por favor danos una oportunidad de ayudarte a conseguir la sonrisa de tus sueños en un destino maravilloso (la India) y a un precio de ensueño. 

Precios y Tratamientos

1. Procedimientos de Implante
Corona sobre Implante Estándar (soporte incluido)
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Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 116 - USD 290 USD 3,850
10 days
Elevación del Seno
USD 232 - USD 521 USD 4,000
1 - 2 days
Implante Dental de Titanio (soporte y corona estándar incluidos)
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Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 521 - USD 1,042 USD 3,900
5 - 8 days
Implante Dental Estándar de Titanio (solo implante)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 347 - USD 811 USD 2,200
1 - 2 days
Injerto óseo (grande)
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Additional Notes

USD 93 - USD 232 USD 2,000
1 - 2 days
Injerto óseo (pequeño)
USD 35 - USD 93 USD 1,500
1 - 2 days
Mini Implante
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Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 232 - USD 347 USD 1,100
2 - 5 days
Puente de Porcelana Soportado por Implantes, Arco Completo (con 4 implantes)
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Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 3,012 - USD 8,108 USD 24,000
10 days
Puente de Porcelana Soportado por Implantes, Arco Completo (con 6 implantes)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 3,938 - USD 9,266 USD 28,000
10 days
Puente sobre Implantes, Arco Completo (con 8 implantes)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 5,212 - USD 11,583 USD 32,000
10 days
Sistema "All on Four" con puente acrílico fijo
question icon

Additional Notes

Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 1,853 - USD 6,950 USD 20,533
10 days
Sistema "All on Six" con puente acrílico fijo
question icon

Additional Notes

Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 2,896 - USD 9,266 USD 30,000
10 days
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 2 implantes)
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Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 985 - USD 1,737 USD 6,900
10 days
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 4 implantes)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 1,737 - USD 3,475 USD 12,300
10 days
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 6 implantes)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 2,548 - USD 4,633 USD 17,700
10 days
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 8 implantes)
question icon

Additional Notes

First stage of implant placement: 1-2 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 5-8 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 3,243 - USD 4,633 USD 23,000
10 days
2. Coronas/Carillas
USD 93 - USD 185
4 - 6 days
Carilla de Composite (adhesión directa)
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Additional Notes

Composite veneers can usually be done in one visit, for extensive cases, multiple visits may be required. Inquire further for your case

USD 69 - USD 174 USD 250
1 - 2 days
Carilla de Porcelana
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Additional Notes

2-4 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 3-5 days required for 6+ veneers.

USD 139 - USD 347 USD 1,486
2 - 5 days
Carilla de Zirconio
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Additional Notes

2-4 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 3-5 days required for 6+ veneers.

USD 139 - USD 347 USD 1,400
2 - 5 days
Corona Completa de Porcelana / Cerámica
USD 162 - USD 278 USD 1,050
5 - 7 days
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación estándar)
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Additional Notes

3-4 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 6-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 10-15 days for full mouth crowns.

USD 64 - USD 104 USD 1,000
3 - 8 days
Corona de Zirconio
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Additional Notes

3-4 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 6-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 10-15 days for full mouth crowns.

USD 139 - USD 347 USD 1,600
3 - 8 days
Corona/Carilla Temporal
USD 23 - USD 35 USD 150
1 - 2 days
3. Dentadura Postiza
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Acrílico (superior o inferior)
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Additional Notes

If extractions are first required, you will need to have an immediate or healing denture placed to allow the gums/extraction sites to heal prior to placement of the permanent denture.

USD 185 - USD 521 USD 1,800
4 - 15 days
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Porcelana (superior o inferior)
question icon

Additional Notes

If extractions are first required, you will need to have an immediate or healing denture placed to allow the gums/extraction sites to heal prior to placement of the permanent denture.

USD 232 - USD 324 USD 2,200
4 - 15 days
Dentadura Completa, Inmediata o Temporal (superior o inferior)
USD 139 - USD 347 USD 1,500
5 - 7 days
Dentadura Parcial, Marco de Metal
USD 347 - USD 753 USD 1,300
5 - 7 days
Dentadura Parcial, Marco Flexible
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Additional Notes

If NO extractions are first required 2-4 days are needed for completion, if extractions ARE first required, 8-10 days are needed for completion.

USD 174 - USD 521 USD 1,400
2 - 10 days
Dentadura Temporal Parcial o Flipper
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Additional Notes

Temporaries can usually be done in one visit, for complex cases, more time may be required for adustment. Inquire further for your case.

USD 69 - USD 290 USD 450
1 day
4. Endodoncia
Endodoncia (diente anterior)
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Additional Notes

Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 2-4 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 3-6 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case.

USD 46 - USD 93 USD 800
2 - 6 days
Endodoncia (molar)
question icon

Additional Notes

Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 2-4 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 3-6 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case.

USD 116 - USD 208 USD 1,350
2 - 6 days
Endodoncia (premolar)
question icon

Additional Notes

Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 2-4 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 3-6 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case.

USD 93 - USD 139 USD 1,150
2 - 6 days
USD 35 - USD 139 USD 400
1 day
Tratamiento de Endodoncia (incluye poste y corona estándard)
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Additional Notes

For a root canal treatment, including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 3-6 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case.

USD 174 - USD 290 USD 2,200
3 - 6 days
5. Blanqueamiento, Limpieza, Relleno y Extracción
Blanqueamiento Dental
USD 139 - USD 208
1 day
Blanqueamiento Dental, kit de aplicación en casa
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Additional Notes

Impressions for whitening trays can be done in one day, and in most cases, the kit finished same-day. Inquire further for your case.

USD 93 USD 275
1 day
Extracción (quirúrgica o complicada)
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Additional Notes

Complicated or surgical extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Consultation is first required. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Follow up(s) for check-up of healing and/or removal of sutures may be required. Inquire further for your case.

USD 93 - USD 232 USD 563
1 - 4 days
Extracción (Simple)
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Additional Notes

Simple extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Inquire further for your case.

USD 23 - USD 46 USD 175
1 day
USD 104 - USD 290 USD 900
1 - 2 days
Limpieza Dental Regular
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Additional Notes

Regular teeth cleaning can be completed in one appoinment.

USD 23 - USD 58 USD 127
1 day
Limpieza profunda (por cuadrante)
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Additional Notes

Periodontal deep cleaning, scaling & root planing can usually be completed in one day. You may need to split this treatment into multiple visits based on the extent of your care and the availability of the periodontist. Inquire further for your case.

USD 69 - USD 208 USD 200
1 day
Relleno de Resina
question icon

Additional Notes

Fillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case.

USD 35 - USD 104 USD 202
1 day
Relleno de Resina (2 superficies)
question icon

Additional Notes

Fillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case.

USD 46 - USD 93 USD 150
1 day
Relleno de Resina (3 superficies)
question icon

Additional Notes

Fillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case.

USD 58 - USD 116 USD 170
1 day
6. Diagnósticos
Examen Inicial / Consulta
USD 29 USD 180
1 day
Radiografía simple (de mordida o periapical)
USD 5 USD 35
1 day
Rayos X Panorámicos
USD 8 USD 140
1 day
TC / rayos X en 3D
USD 46 - USD 93 USD 500
1 day
7. Otros Procedimientos
Guarda de noche (plástico duro)
USD 81 - USD 174 USD 750
1 - 2 days
Guarda de noche (plástico suave)
USD 81 - USD 174 USD 600
1 - 2 days
Ahorra un 70% en tu nueva sonrisa