Über Dentist Basak Balanli Turkoglu

Dentist Basak Balanil Turkoglu is located in Marmaris, Turkey. This modern dental clinic offers a full range of general and specialist dental care to local and international patients.

Dentist Basak Balanil Turkoglu is located in Marmaris, Turkey. The clinic offers a full range of general and specialist dental care to a local clientele, as well as international patients mostly from across Europe.

Marmaris is a favourite resort town along the Mediterranean’s gorgeous Turquoise Coast. Known for its vibrant nightlife and a long seafront promenade, this picturesque location sits between forest-clad mountains and crystal-clear waters (making it a popular spot for diving and sailing). For dental tourists and regular visitors, it’s an ideal destination in which one can relax, have a great holiday and take advantage of quality, value-for-money dental care that may be lacking at home.

Dr. Basak Balanil Turkoglu graduated as a dentist in 2004 and has been running her own clinic in Marmaris since 2010. She is fluent in English and has a specialist interest in aesthetics and implantology.

Her clinic is modern and equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic technologies to deliver accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Working alongside a team of highly-skilled professionals, the expertise available at the clinic encompasses aesthetic dentistry, implantology, endodontics and prosthodontics.

Treatments available at Dentist Basak Balanil Turkoglu include:

-Dental implants
-Dental veneers
-Dental crowns
-Dental cosmetics
-Dental fillings
-Teeth whitening
-Children’s dentistry

Book an appointment through Dental Departures with Dentist Basak Balanil Turkoglu, or get in touch with our Customer Care Team if you have any questions. You can also book your appointment online at any time of the day or night, at no charge to you.

Preise und Verfahren

1. Implantat-Verfahren
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Porzellanbrücke
USD 2,685 - USD 3,759
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 2 Implantaten)
USD 1,719 - USD 2,148 USD 6,900
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 6 Implantaten)
USD 2,685 - USD 3,222 USD 28,000
Standard-Implantat-Krone (einschließlich Abutment)
USD 859 - USD 1,074 USD 3,850
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat)
USD 644 - USD 913 USD 2,200
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone)
USD 859 - USD 1,074 USD 3,900
2. Kategorie: Kronen/Veneers (Zahnverblendung) (9 Verfahren)
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Edelmetalllegierung)
USD 161 - USD 204 USD 1,300
3 - 5 days
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung)
USD 172 - USD 204 USD 1,000
3 - 5 days
USD 269 - USD 311 USD 1,486
2 - 4 days
USD 269 - USD 301 USD 1,050
3 - 5 days
USD 236 - USD 279 USD 1,600
3 - 5 days
USD 236 - USD 279 USD 1,400
2 - 4 days
3. Zahnprothese
Teilprothese, Acryl-Rahmen
USD 483 - USD 591 USD 1,200
5 days
Teilprothese, Metallrahmen
USD 483 - USD 591 USD 1,300
5 days
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)
USD 483 - USD 591 USD 1,800
5 days
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten)
USD 537 - USD 644 USD 2,200
5 days
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten)
USD 215 USD 1,500
5 days
4. Wurzelkanalbehandlung
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn)
USD 161 - USD 183 USD 1,350
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn)
USD 150 - USD 172 USD 800
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn)
USD 150 - USD 172 USD 1,150
1 day
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)
USD 107 - USD 140 USD 563
1 day
Extraktion (einfach)
USD 64 - USD 86 USD 175
1 day
USD 64 - USD 86 USD 202
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen)
USD 64 - USD 86 USD 150
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen)
USD 64 - USD 86 USD 170
1 day
USD 193 - USD 236 USD 496
1 day
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung
USD 64 - USD 75 USD 127
1 day
USD 193 - USD 236
1 day
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen
USD 172 - USD 193 USD 275
1 day
6. Andere Verfahren
USD 43 - USD 54
1 day
Beißschutz (Weichplastik)
USD 75 - USD 86 USD 600
1 day
Extraktion (Milchzahn)
USD 43 - USD 54
1 day
Kunstharz-Komposit-Füllung (Milchzahn)
USD 43 - USD 54
1 day
Sparen Sie 70 % bei Ihrem neuen Lächeln