Der Delhi Dental Hub befindet sich in Neu Delhi, Indien. In unmittelbarer Nähe befinden sich eine Vielzahl von erstklassigen Hotels, Einkaufszentren und lokale Attraktionen wie Chandni Chowk, einer der ältesten Märkte Indiens.
Der Delhi Dental Hub befindet sich in Neu Delhi, Indien. In unmittelbarer Nähe befinden sich eine Vielzahl von erstklassigen Hotels, Einkaufszentren und lokale Attraktionen wie Chandni Chowk, einer der ältesten Märkte Indiens.
Seit zehn Jahren besteht die Klinik von Prof. Dr. Rohit Malik, dessen kompetentes Team in allen Bereichen der Zahnmedizin tätig ist und über Experten für die jeweiligen Fachgebiete verfügt. Unsere Zahnärzte können bei allgemeinen zahnmedizinischen Bedürfnissen wie Füllungen, Verblendungen und Kronen bis hin zu Spezialbehandlungen wie Zahnimplantaten und Wurzelbehandlungen helfen. Wir verfügen auch über Spezialisten für Kieferorthopädie, Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie und Kinderzahnheilkunde. Natürlich führen wir auch kosmetische Zahnbehandlungen durch, darunter Zahnaufhellung, Zahnschmuck und Schönheitspflege für die Braut.
Unsere Zahnärzte bemühen sich, ihr Wissen durch Fortbildung zu verbessern. Wir informieren uns über die neuesten Techniken und Entwicklungen in allen Bereichen der Zahnmedizin. Wir haben ein großes Interesse an der präventiven Versorgung mit Schwerpunkt auf einer guten Mundhygiene zum Schutz vor Karies und Zahnfäule, um unseren Patienten weiterhin eine optimale Zahngesundheit zu gewährleisten.
Unsere freundlichen Mitarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Sie sich wohlfühlen, indem sie Ihnen die empfohlenen Verfahren in einer sicheren, sauberen und beruhigenden Umgebung ausführlich erklären. Wir bieten kontinuierlich eine hervorragende zahnmedizinische Versorgung, was sich durch die hohe Zufriedenheit unserer Patienten zeigt. Dies wollen wir auch in Zukunft beibehalten, da wir stets um herausragende Leistungen bemüht sind.
Durch die Mitgliedschaft in einer Reihe von angesehenen Berufsorganisationen, darunter die Europäische Gesellschaft für ästhetische Zahnmedizin, haben Sie die Gewissheit, dass wir über eine ausgezeichnete fachliche Kompetenz verfügen und einen Behandlungsansatz bieten, der einzigartig ist.
Wir bieten allen unseren Patienten eine Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Leistungen an, darunter eine kostenlose Erstberatung, kostenlose Röntgenaufnahmen, kostenlose Kronen- oder Brückenentfernung und kostenloses Wi-Fi. Bei größeren Eingriffen bieten wir auch kostenlose Zahnaufhellung und kostenlose Hotelunterbringung an. Wir freuen uns über die Behandlung aller unserer Patienten und stehen Ihnen bei weiteren Fragen gerne zur Verfügung.
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
All-on-4-Implantate mit fester Acryl-BrückeAdditional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 3,256 USD 20,533 | |
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Acryl-BrückeAdditional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 4,070 USD 30,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 2 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 407 - USD 640 USD 6,900 | |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 4 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 988 - USD 1,163 USD 12,300 | |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 6 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 1,512 - USD 2,151 USD 17,700 | |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 8 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 2,093 - USD 3,430 USD 23,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 4 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 1,395 - USD 2,035 USD 24,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 6 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 2,035 - USD 2,500 USD 28,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 8 Implantaten)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 2,442 - USD 3,198 USD 32,000 | |
Knochenersatzmaterial (groß) | USD 58 - USD 116 USD 2,000 | |
Knochenersatzmaterial (klein) | USD 29 - USD 81 USD 1,500 | |
Mini-ImplantatAdditional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 7-14 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 7-14 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 116 USD 1,100 | |
Sinuslift | USD 140 USD 4,000 | |
Standard-Implantat-Krone (einschließlich Abutment)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 2-7 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 2-7 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 233 - USD 465 USD 3,850 | 2 - 7 days |
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 2-7 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 2-7 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 233 - USD 407 USD 2,200 | 2 - 7 days |
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 2-7 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 2-7 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 465 - USD 872 USD 3,900 | |
Zahnimplantat aus Zirkonium (metallfrei)Additional NotesFirst stage of implant placement: 2-7 days. Second stage, placement of permanent restorations: 2-7 days. Please note that in order to be a candidate for implants, ideal bone condition is required, and should bone grafts and/or sinus lifts be required for implants placement, additional time may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 233 - USD 640 USD 3,500 | 2 - 7 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung)Additional NotesComposite veneers can usually be done in one visit, for extensive cases, multiple visits may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 10 USD 250 | 1 - 2 days |
Porzellan mit Goldkrone verschmolzenAdditional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 4-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 7-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 291 - USD 407 USD 1,600 | 2 - 8 days |
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Edelmetalllegierung)Additional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 4-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 7-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 52 - USD 87 USD 1,300 | 2 - 8 days |
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung)Additional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 4-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 7-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 52 USD 1,000 | 2 - 8 days |
Porzellan-VeneerAdditional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 4-8 days required for 6+ veneers. | USD 52 - USD 81 USD 1,486 | 2 - 8 days |
Temporäre Krone/VeneerAdditional NotesTemporaries can usually be done in one visit. Inquire further for your case. | USD 9 USD 150 | 1 day |
Vollporzellan/Keramik-KroneAdditional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 4-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 7-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 105 - USD 140 USD 1,050 | 2 - 8 days |
Zirkonium-KroneAdditional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 crowns, 4-8 days required for 6+ crowns, and 7-14 days for full mouth crowns. | USD 105 - USD 140 USD 1,600 | 2 - 8 days |
Zirkonium-VeneerAdditional Notes2-7 days are required for 1-5 veneers and 4-8 days required for 6+ veneers. | USD 93 - USD 140 USD 1,400 | 2 - 8 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Provisorische Teil- oder FlipperprotheseAdditional NotesTemporaries can usually be done in one visit, for complex cases, more time may be required for adjustment. Inquire further for your case. | USD 17 USD 450 | 1 day |
Teilprothese, Acryl-RahmenAdditional NotesIf NO extractions are first required 2-5 days are needed for completion, if extractions ARE first required, 2-7 days are needed for completion. | USD 10 USD 1,200 | 2 - 7 days |
Teilprothese, flexibler RahmenAdditional NotesIf NO extractions are first required 2-5 days are needed for completion, if extractions ARE first required, 2-7 days are needed for completion. | USD 116 - USD 140 USD 1,400 | 2 - 7 days |
Teilprothese, MetallrahmenAdditional NotesIf NO extractions are first required 2-5 days are needed for completion, if extractions ARE first required, 2-7 days are needed for completion. | USD 140 - USD 198 USD 1,300 | 2 - 7 days |
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)Additional NotesIf extractions are first required, you will need to have an immediate or healing denture placed to allow the gums/extraction sites to heal prior to placement of the permanent denture. | USD 58 USD 1,800 | 2 - 14 days |
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten)Additional NotesIf extractions are first required, you will need to have an immediate or healing denture placed to allow the gums/extraction sites to heal prior to placement of the permanent denture. | USD 110 USD 2,200 | 2 - 14 days |
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten)Additional NotesIf NO extractions are first required 2-7 days are needed for completion, if extractions ARE first required, 7-14 days are needed for completion. | USD 35 USD 1,500 | 2 - 14 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 7 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4-8 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 58 USD 1,350 | 7 - 8 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (beliebiger Zahn)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 7 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4-8 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 29 - USD 58 USD 1,188 | 7 - 8 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 7 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4-8 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 29 USD 800 | 7 - 8 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 7 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4-8 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on presence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | USD 41 USD 1,150 | 7 - 8 days |
Wurzelstiftaufbau | USD 29 USD 400 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)Additional NotesComplicated or surgical extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Consultation is first required. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Follow up(s) for check-up of healing and/or removal of sutures may be required. Inquire further for your case. | USD 58 USD 563 | 2 - 7 days |
Extraktion (einfach)Additional NotesSimple extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Inquire further for your case. | USD 6 USD 175 | 1 day |
Komposit-FüllungAdditional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 7 - USD 12 USD 202 | 1 day |
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 9 USD 150 | 1 day |
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | USD 12 USD 170 | 1 day |
Laser-ZahnaufhellungAdditional NotesLaser teeth whitening usually takes about 1-2 hours to complete, and most patients experience a change a 7-9 shades in tooth coloration. | USD 116 USD 496 | 1 day |
Regelmäßige ZahnreinigungAdditional NotesRegular teeth cleaning can be completed in one appointment. | USD 35 USD 127 | 1 day |
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant)Additional NotesPeriodontal deep cleaning, scaling & root planing can usually be completed in one day. You may need to split this treatment into multiple visits based on the extent of your care and the availability of the periodontist. Inquire further for your case. | USD 17 USD 200 | 1 day |
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum MitnehmenAdditional NotesImpressions for whitening trays can be done in one day, and in most cases, the kit finished same-day. Inquire further for your case. | USD 93 USD 275 | 1 day |
Zahninlay | USD 47 USD 900 |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
CT-Scan/3D-Röntgen | USD 52 USD 500 | 1 day |
Einzel-Röntgen (Bissflügel oder periapikal) | USD 3 USD 35 | 1 day |
Erste Untersuchung/Konsultation | USD 6 USD 180 | 1 day |
Panorama-Röntgen | USD 8 USD 140 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Beißschutz (Hartplastik) | USD 29 USD 750 | |
Beißschutz (Weichplastik) | USD 35 USD 600 | 1 - 2 days |
Gas-Sedierung | USD 29 - USD 47 USD 250 | 1 - 2 days |
IV Sedierung (durch Anästhesist) | USD 29 - USD 47 USD 2,500 | |
Lokalanästhesie | USD 6 USD 50 |