Über Alejandra Rendon

Dr Alejandra Rendon’s dental office is located in central Puebla, offering affordable, high-quality dental services to the whole family in one of Mexico’s oldest Spanish Colonial towns.

Dr Alejandra Rendon’s dental office is located in Puebla, Mexico’s historic Spanish Colonial City in east-central Mexico.

Established in 2007, we offer a range of services to take care of your family’s dental needs, from the youngest to the oldest members.

Our team are friendly and approachable, offering a range of affordable, high-quality dental services, including crowns, veneers, dentures, braces (orthodontics) and other everyday dentistry, including teeth cleaning and extractions.

Dr Rendon took Advanced Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in the United States and is committed to ensuring our patients receive outstanding dental care that not only meets, but exceeds their expectations.

In the center of town, we are conveniently situated for guests who come to the city to visit us, and offer fee wi-fi, parking and local calls. We are open from Monday to Friday 10 am – 6 pm.

We look forward to providing you with affordable, high-quality dental services at Dr Alejandro Rendon’s dental offices, so please get in touch for further information, or to ask us how we can help you with your dental care.

Preise und Verfahren

1. Kategorie: Kronen/Veneers (Zahnverblendung) (9 Verfahren)
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung)
USD 115 USD 250
1 - 2 days
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung)
USD 175 USD 1,000
5 - 14 days
USD 225 USD 1,486
3 - 5 days
Temporäre Krone/Veneer
USD 35 USD 150
1 day
USD 225 USD 1,050
5 - 14 days
USD 225 USD 1,600
5 - 14 days
USD 225 USD 1,400
3 - 5 days
2. Zahnprothese
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese
USD 249 USD 450
1 day
Teilprothese, Acryl-Rahmen
USD 499 USD 1,200
7 - 10 days
Teilprothese, flexibler Rahmen
USD 748 USD 1,400
7 - 10 days
Teilprothese, Metallrahmen
USD 748 USD 1,300
7 - 10 days
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)
USD 1,247 USD 1,800
7 - 10 days
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten)
USD 1,746 USD 2,200
7 - 10 days
3. Wurzelkanalbehandlung
USD 75 USD 400
1 day
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)
USD 125 USD 563
1 - 2 days
Extraktion (einfach)
USD 50 USD 175
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen)
USD 35 USD 150
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen)
USD 50 USD 170
1 day
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung
USD 35 USD 127
1 day
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant)
USD 50 USD 200
1 day
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen
USD 100 USD 275
1 day
USD 175 USD 900
1 - 2 days
5. Diagnostik
Erste Untersuchung/Konsultation
USD 25 USD 180
1 day
6. Andere Verfahren
Beißschutz (Hartplastik)
USD 75 USD 750
1 - 2 days
Beißschutz (Weichplastik)
USD 50 USD 600
1 - 2 days
USD 249 USD 250
1 day
IV Sedierung (durch Anästhesist)
USD 349 USD 2,500
1 day
7. Kieferorthopädie
Klammern entfernen
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Additional Notes

Times will vary

USD 1,746
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Additional Notes

Times will vary

USD 1,247
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