Über Raga Ortodoncia Albacete

Raga Ortodoncia Albacete offers a comprehensive range of dental services for children and adults to local and international patients.

Raga Ortodoncia – Albacete is one of three in this group. Albacete is a city in the community of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain—an historic region in the southeast of the Iberian peninsula.

The group was established in 1974, and since then has been improving the dental health and smiles of its patients with high-quality dental treatments. Because everyone’s smile is uniquely theirs, the medical teams at Raga Ortodoncia pay particular attention to the standards they offer, finding the least invasive and most suitable treatments for your dental issues—whether they are health or cosmetic problems.

The clinic’s facilities are contemporary and modern, equipped with the latest diagnostic technologies, including digital scanning and 3D/CT scanning, helping to provide accurate diagnoses and precise treatment plans that have predictable outcomes.

Specialists in orthodontics (braces), periodontics (gum disease), endodontics (root canals), paediatric (children’s) dentistry and implantology the range of services offered at Rada Ortodoncia includes remodelling of gums, Lumineer®veneers, Invisalign® braces, dental implants, dentures and crowns.

Priding themselves on delivering personalized services to each and every patient, the clinic’s children’s dental services are thorough and gentle with an emphasis being on education about caring for their teeth. Raga Ortodoncia can make a difference to you and your family’s dental health because they are sensitive to your needs.

Discover more about Raga Ortodoncia – Albacate and get in touch with Dental Departures’ Customer Care Team for a free quote, or to book an appointment.

Preise und Verfahren

1. Implantat-Verfahren
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 2 Implantaten)
SGD 1,475 SGD 9,239
Knochenersatzmaterial (groß)
SGD 868 SGD 2,678
Knochenersatzmaterial (klein)
SGD 521 SGD 2,008
SGD 4,513 SGD 5,356
Standard-Implantat-Krone (einschließlich Abutment)
SGD 868 SGD 5,155
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat)
SGD 1,475 SGD 2,946
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone)
SGD 2,343 SGD 5,222
2. Kategorie: Kronen/Veneers (Zahnverblendung) (9 Verfahren)
SGD 625
3 - 5 days
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung)
SGD 486 SGD 335
SGD 625 SGD 1,989
3 - 5 days
Temporäre Krone/Veneer
SGD 156 SGD 201
1 day
SGD 1,128 SGD 2,142
3 - 5 days
3. Zahnprothese
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese
SGD 434 SGD 603
Teilprothese, Metallrahmen
SGD 1,284 SGD 1,741
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)
SGD 1,736 SGD 2,410
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten)
SGD 972 SGD 2,008
4. Wurzelkanalbehandlung
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn)
SGD 382 SGD 1,808
1 day
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn)
SGD 243 SGD 1,071
1 day
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn)
SGD 278 SGD 1,540
1 day
SGD 69 SGD 536
1 day
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)
SGD 156 SGD 753
1 day
Extraktion (einfach)
SGD 87 SGD 234
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen)
SGD 139 SGD 201
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen)
SGD 139 SGD 228
SGD 781 SGD 664
1 day
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung
SGD 87 SGD 170
1 day
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant)
SGD 260 SGD 268
1 day
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen
SGD 434 SGD 368
1 day
SGD 599 SGD 1,205
1 day
6. Diagnostik
SGD 139 SGD 669
1 day
Einzel-Röntgen (Bissflügel oder periapikal)
SGD 17 SGD 47
1 day
Erste Untersuchung/Konsultation
SGD 217 SGD 241
1 day
SGD 87 SGD 187
1 day
7. Andere Verfahren
Beißschutz (Hartplastik)
SGD 382 SGD 1,004
Beißschutz (Weichplastik)
SGD 243 SGD 803
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